Scammers at it again…

Please note that there has been an email scam sent out on behalf of Bishop Berg requesting the purchase of gift cards. The email looks like it is coming from Stephen Berg but if you look at the email address carefully it is not coming from the diocese. See email source: Stephen Berg < <>
This email address is not associated with the Diocese of Pueblo. If you receive this type of email, please report it as junk. That way it will be blocked from being sent to your email again. Delete this email and avoid opening it.
Note: You will never receive any type of email requests from the diocese that does not include the email address extension
This also includes email or texts you would receive from Fr. Carl or the Parish Staff. Please do not fall for these scams.

Resources to talk with kids about the school shooting

The latest news about the school shooting in Uvalde, TX has certainly left me rattled.  I have been praying for all those involved in this horrible tragedy.
Please send your prayers up to a God who loves us and cares for us.  God hears our prayers.
If your children are distraught about this (or you work with children) I found these article from Group Publishing – a well-respected Christian publisher.
I thought they were very good and helpful.  I’m sharing them here for you.
Helping Children Process the School Shooting in Uvalde, TX
Trauma Toolkit: 4 Things You Can Do To Help Kids Heal
6 Secrets to Raising Fearless Kids in a Fear-Filled World
Ministering to Kids in Crisis When You Don’t Have a Counseling Degree

Helping Children to Cope with Violence and Tragedy – Again

In addition, Fr. Carl shared this prayer with me from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in case that would be helpful to you.
Order for the Blessing of a Victim of Crime or Oppression
Blessings on all of you.  Prayers for a more peaceful world.
Laura Escalera
Christ the King Parish

The Living Garden – Diocesan E-News – Subscribe Today

The Living Garden is the rebranded diocesan e-news that now comes out twice a month. The emails should arrive in your inbox around 8:00 AM every 1st and 15th of the month. Each Living Garden includes several sections including the latest from Bishop Berg, breaking Catholic news in our state, our country and throughout the world, spiritual content, business updates, prayer intentions and more! Most of you have already been receiving these bi-weekly emails and we humbly thank you for your participation! For those of you who haven’t been getting The Living Garden, we kindly encourage you to subscribe by filling out this form or visiting our website The Living Garden e-news | Diocese of Pueblo
We are very excited and honored to have you join our Living Garden!
If you have any questions or concerns, please call (719) 544-9861 ext. 1116