Little Flower Formation Center

st-theresa-the-little-flowerThe Formation Center was renamed the “Little Flower Formation Center” after the patroness of our diocese, St. Therese of Lisieux who is called “the Little Flower.” We have a beautiful statue of her on the west end of the building. The children of Religious Formation, parents, and interested parishioners joined us for a special blessing on Sunday, October 2nd

R.C.I.A. Invitation

praying-1319101_960_720Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)is a process of inquiry and conversion to welcome those who wish to learn more about the Catholic Faith and in turn who may want to become Catholic.

If you are an unbaptized Adult you are invited into the life of the Trinity through the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.

If you are an Adult Christian baptized in another denomination other than Roman Catholic, you are invited to become strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Interested in learning more?

Please contact Sarah Nelson at 542-9248 ext. 121 or email



Regulations for Fasting and Abstinence

Abstinence: Catholics from age 14 are obliged to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays during Lent.
Fasting: Catholics ages 18-59 are obliged to fast from food on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The fast requires that a person eat the equivalent of less-than-two meals in place of the typical three meals eaten during a day.

Taken from “Fast and Abstinence” from the USCCB.