Nursing Homes

Catholics who reside in local Nursing Home facilities are given the opportunity to receive spiritual care from their locally designated Parish.

Spiritual care consists of reception of Holy Eucharist, access to the Sacrament of Confession, and Anointing of the Sick. For those who with to receive either the Sacrament of Confession or Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish so we will know how to best serve you.

Within Christ the King boundaries, the Villa, Azteca, Belmont Lodge and Belmont Senior Care are served through an active network of dedicated lay ministers and Clergy.

What does serving the Nursing Home Residents entail?

It is a generous decision to distribute Holy Communion to residents in Nursing Homes. It is a rewarding experience to grasp the gratitude of these residents who are so grateful to have your presence and receive the supreme gift of Holy Communion.

Ministry to some Nursing Homes entails “room by room” distribution of Holy Communion. This entails following a listing of Catholic patients with whom you would briefly visit, pray an Our Father, and offer distribution of Holy Communion. The room by room distribution typically takes anywhere from 30- 40 minutes. We have several volunteers who rotate at each Nursing Home, with the goal of only a once monthly commitment.

Ministry to some of the Nursing Homes includes offering periodic Word Communion Services. Through a designated outline, lay ministers are able to extend a short Word Communion Service (Scripture readings) along with distribution of consecrated Hosts to residents of certain Nursing Homes.

The Volunteer Minister will be asked to become a Commissioned Minister of Communion if they are not yet one.

Volunteer Communion Ministers Welcome! Want to simply learn about these ministries? 

Those who desire to share the Eucharist with home bound brothers and sisters are invited to contact the Parish Office for further details and training.  Please contact Sarah Nelson at 719-542-9248 ext. 121 or