We need you! Please fill out the Time & Talent Form and join the celebration. Please print this one, and drop it in the collection or bring to the Parish Office.
One of the great effects of the Second Vatican Council was understanding the Church as the People of God. No longer would the role of the Faithful be to “pay and pray.” No long would a parish be “Father’s church.” Everybody has a role to play!
The world’s bishops declared that every Catholic had the right and duty to participate in the liturgy and in the broader life of the parish. In 1965, Catholics couldn’t wait to jump on the bandwagon and expand their involvement in parish life. But after so many years now, this liberation of the Faithful is often taken for granted. Many parishioners forget their great dignity that was recognized back then; now some even see involvement as a burden, something for “other people.”
I am asking you to appreciate your dignity and take your place at the table! Pastors come and Pastors go, but the people remain. This is your parish! And a parish family is like our other natural family: everyone needs to pitch in and help do chores (in parish terms: ministries).
We have an urgent need now for help in these areas listed on the form.
Other ministry’s are listed below.
If you’re not participating in a ministry now, please take a moment to complete the form and drop it in the collection or at the parish office. And thanks for exercising the Priesthood of the Faithful!
Liturgical Ministers
The Church is a worshiping community of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ—believers who, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, acknowledge their absolute dependence on God, the Father. The Liturgy (Mass) is the official worship of the Church. In her Liturgy, the Church celebrates what she professes and lives, above all the Paschal Mystery, by which Christ accomplished the work of our salvation. National Directory of Catechesis (no. 32)
- Lector
Lectors are called to assist in the Proclamation of the Word of God out of a deep, prayerful reflection on the structure and meaning of the text. - Eucharistic Ministers
Commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion help the distribution of Communion proceed smoothly. Because of their close association with the Eucharist, Ministers are called to represent Christ. - Altar Servers
Serve God and God’s People by helping the Priest and Deacon so a liturgical celebration is conducted with grace and reverence and flows smoothly. They ensure that all items required for the celebration are available at the time they are needed - Ushers
Greet and guide people with friendliness and warmth. Set example by active participation in the Liturgy, assist with the collection, bringing up the gifts, and direct people during Eucharistic Communion. - Hospitality
The face of welcome and care for persons new to the community, and a stable assurance of acceptance for long-term members. Hospitality Ministers greet, engage, affirm and offer assistance the community. - Music Ministries
“Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord…” Ephesians 5:19
Do you have a desire to share your Faith with others? Do you enjoy interacting, guiding or leading others? We encourage you prayerfully consider offering your gifts within these age groups:
- Children
- Youth/Teenagers
- Adult Formation
- RCIA Team
- Both main Catechist/Teacher and Aide’s welcome
Children/Youth Formation Events:
- Assist with week long Summer Vacation Bible School each summer.
- Assist with Family Formation Sessions/Meals (several times per year)
- Assist with Youth Events (Service Days, Retreats, etc.)
Gift of Intercessory Prayer:
“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, and persevere in prayer.” Romans 12:12
Mission: To pray for the intentions provided from the Prayer Line. Weekly or bi-weekly updates on Prayer Requests provided through network of volunteers.
Care of Prayer Space & Devotional Candles
Within the Narthex are two Devotional Spaces with candles dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Blessed Mother.
Volunteers are needed for:
- Periodic dusting of Statues
- Weekly cleaning of glass votive containers
- Refilling new candles
- Monthly thorough cleaning of glass votive containers
- (*Supplies provided for thorough cleaning, which can take place within one’s home.*)
Corporal Works of Mercy Projects:
Catholics are called to recognize their own need for God’s mercy, the greatness of God’s love seen in the death and resurrection of Christ and the obligation to assist others by communicating God’s love and mercy through words and deeds.
Specifically during Thanksgiving, Advent and Lent, Christ the King offers a variety of opportunities to participate in the Corporal Works of Mercy such as:
- Pueblo Soup Kitchen Community
- El Pueblo Adolescent Treatment Facilities
- El Centro Toy Drive (We currently are not collecting items.)
- Posada: Family Shelter Assistance
- Posada: Pueblo Homeless Youth Project (We currently are not collecting items.)
And let us enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy… Let us rediscover these corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. And let us not forget the spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead.” – Pope Francis
- Altar and Rosary Society
- Knights of Columbus
To become involved with any of these ministries please contact Mary Meissner at the parish office at 542-9248 ext.111, or email: mmeissner@ctkpueblo.org.