High School Discipleship is open to all High School Youth
“When you wonder about the mystery of yourself, look to Christ who gives you the meaning of life. When you wonder what it means to be a mature person, look to Christ who is the fullness of humanity.” -St. John Paul II
24-25 Religious Ed calendar (8.5 x 11 in)Scan the QR code on the schedule or Click here to register for Formation for All:
Confirmation April 23, 2024
Sunday Discipleship for all High School Teens- plus 1st Grade to 8th Grade and Adults
High School students and chaperones from the Pueblo Diocese at the Benedictine College Youth Conference (BCYC) in Kansas.
2022/2023 Middle and High School Discipleship Schedule – (click here)
Both Confirmed and Non-Confirmed High School teens are invited to attend our High School Youth Discipleship.
Youth are encouraged to continue growing in relationship with Christ throughout High School. Discipleship formation includes opportunities for prayer, for dialogue, and for entering more deeply into the mysteries of Christ and His Church. Additionally, our youth ministers offer a wide variety of growing opportunities– such as weekly gathering, small group discussions, Adoration, National and Local retreats, dodgeball tournaments and more!
Our Goals for the Youth at Christ the King reflect the document “Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry”
- Goal 1: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
- Goal 2: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
- Goal 3: To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
What makes Youth Discipleship unique at Christ the King?
Our Discipleship is led by faith filled enthusiastic young adults. Their Catholic faith is alive and real to them, and they are eager to engage the high school teens and walk with them as they journey closer to Christ throughout their High School years.
Youth Peer Leaders – Teens are encouraged to become more deeply involved by becoming Teen Peer Leaders. Zack would love to share more with you!
Activities for the Summer and past youth activities
Photos of recent Youth Events and Activities here at Christ the King
Questions about the Sacrament of Confirmation? Check out the Confirmation tab under Sacraments.
Pictures from Steubenville July 2002:
At each Mass we proclaim that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” The other sacraments, and indeed all ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself.
Youth and families are welcome to share their gifts and talents within any of the following ministries:
- Lector
- Altar Server
- Greeter
- Hospitality/Usher
- Music Ministry
- Communion Minister (once they are Confirmed)
Training and mentorship offered for any of the above ministries. Contact the Parish Office for further details!
High School Newman Clubs
Are you a high school student who attends East, Centennial, Central or South? Did you know that there is a Newman Club at your school that meets once a week during all the lunch periods? Newman Clubs provide food (yes – free food!) and a great place to talk about Catholic faith issues with other students and Catholic youth ministers. You don’t even need to be Catholic – invite your friends. Here is where and when they meet. Stop in and check it out!
East High School – Mondays in Mr. Terry’s room (Room #37)
Centennial High School – Tuesdays in the Art Room (Room 418)
South High School – Wednesdays in Mrs. Tkacik’s Room (Room 25)
Central – Tuesdays in Room 315
Newman Clubs are sponsored in part by the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Pueblo.
“Your life has meaning! Let us help you hear and answer God’s call!”
Keep praying about God’s plan for your happiness!
The Vocation Director and Office are here to help:
719-680-1971 or cwertin@dioceseofpueblo.org or @frcwert
All young men age 14 and older, who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood, are invited to contact Fr. Carl at 719-680-1971 (Call or Text) cwertin@gmail.com or the Vocations Office at 719-544-9861 ext. 1116.
Young Men’s Discernment Retreats- There will be periodic discernment retreats throughout the year. Please continue to check back here or at the Diocese of Pueblo Vocations page.
Young Women:
Periodic Retreats and discernment dates are set throughout the year for those who may have questions about serving in the Church. Ladies, if you have questions please contact Fr. Carl at 719-680-1971 cwertin@gmail.com or the Vocations
Young Woman’s Discernment Retreat held at different locations and dates. Please contact Diocese for further details.
Adult Fellowship and Formation:
There are many Adult Formation opportunities throughout the year. These can be found under the Adult Formation tab. All are welcome!
Questions? Feel free to contact Sarah Nelson at (719) 542-9248 ext. 121 or email Sarah at snelson@ctkpueblo.org (Youth Ministry Administrator)
High School Discipleship COORDINATOR:
Dedicated and passionate about their relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church, our High School Discipleship Coordinator, Zack Garduno is waiting to meet your youth. Come and join us!
Zack Garduno (719) 542-9248 Ext. 114
Zack Garduno is a longtime member of Christ the King.