Commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion help the distribution of the Eucharist to proceed smoothly. Because of their close association with the Eucharist, Ministers are called to represent Christ.
They are called to become what they give, that is, they must become and live as the Body of Christ they give to their brothers and sisters. Such Ministers are obliged to set an example for the parish by their devotion toward the Eucharist. This is shown when exhibiting the following qualities:
- Humility – serving the assembly instead of drawing attention to oneself
- Hospitality – making everyone feel welcome at God’s table (Communion anticipates the heavenly banquet where all are honored guests). Be attentive, relaxed, smile, give eye contact, distribute at an unhurried pace, and have a reverent and cordial tone of voice.
- Gratitude – “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word for “thanks.” The Eucharist is about giving thanks and praise to God by remembering God’s actions throughout history. This keeps us grateful and hopeful because what God has done in the past he will continue to do. In the Eucharist we express personal gratitude for what God has done in our lives. We receive the gift of the Lord’s presence with grateful hearts and share that gift and his blessings generously and joyfully with others.
- Reverence – shown in our approach to the altar, how we handle the Host/Cup, how we dress, our posture and our gestures, etc.
Issued on October 23, 2009 by the Office of Worship and Spiritual Life, Diocese of Pueblo
Eucharistic Minister Guidelines: Click here