Jesus is writing your story.
“Everyone needs to be touched by the comfort and attraction of God’s saving love,
which is mysteriously at work in every person,
above and beyond our faults and failings.” Evangelii Gaudium
The Mission of Christ the King –
We exist to strengthen Parishioners, to find people with empty hearts, to fill them with the unconditional love of God, and to lead all to heaven.
Many Catholics feel like they “graduated” from their Catholic formation if they went to Catholic Grade School or High School; some even feel that way after receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. At Christ the King, our parish mission reminds us that we are life-long learners in our faith development, and that we need to continually strengthen our Faith.
There will never come a time when we know everything there is to know about God and the way God acts in this world. There will never come a time when we have our own Christian lives completely figured out and know exactly how to act and what to choose in every situation. Our Christian formation continues until the day we die. “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face.” 1 Corinthians 13:12
Adult Faith Formation has numerous opportunities – Sunday Faith Formation for All, Men’s Bible Study, Womans Bible Study, Catholic Fellowship, Healing Ministry, etc. We offer periodic Retreats, monthly Adoration, on-site 24 hour Adoration Chapel and more. Call us for more details!
Adult Small Groups – Be sure to check out our Adult Small Group tab for information regarding current Faith Formation opportunities. Opportunities include Catholic Fellowship is for men and women, Women’s Study Group, and parent enrichment events offered at various times of the year.
Growing your faith at home – Through a generous grant from the Catholic Foundation, we are thrilled to offer dynamic faith filled Catholic formation and growth right in your own home. Join for free and start accessing this incredible gift today! Click on the Formed tab for detailed instructions.
Stay informed with the Diocese of Pueblo –
Diocese of Pueblo – New web page to help grow disciples within our Diocese!
Photos below: Human Trafficking Workshop in 2019
(Christ the King Parishioners attending the Ananias Training Workshop facilitated by Dr. Seth Wright of the Diocese of Pueblo — pictured below)