Religious Formation For ALL – 1st Grade through Adults


24-25 Religious Ed calendar (8.5 x 11 in)

Scan the QR code on the schedule or Click here to register for Formation for All:

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Family Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 31st, 2023



Father Carl trained enthusiastic Totus Tuus Missionaries and sent them forth from Christ the King,

come and enjoy a fun and faith filled week with them!



First Communion and First Reconciliation:

Keep checking! More info posted soon!


Photos from various family and children’s and middle school activities – Join us for future events!

















About NET Ministries, Inc. (National Evangelization Teams):

NET Ministries is an international Catholic youth ministry that is committed to challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church. The organization’s acronym stands for National Evangelization Teams. Based in St. Paul, Minnesota, NET offers training in youth evangelization and leads approximately 1,000 retreats annually. Each year, young adult volunteers are sent out in teams across the United States to conduct retreats for Catholic teens. The 16 NET teams share their faith with 100,000 youth nationally on an annual basis. Dramas, music, games, small group discussions, and large group presentations are all used to present the Gospel in a dynamic way. To learn more about NET Ministries, follow us on Instagram or Facebook, call us at 651.450.6833, or visit

Below – Various Middle School photos from 2018-2019

Adult Fellowship:

Look under the Adult Formation tab for upcoming sessions and groups.