Adoration Chapel Now Open 24 Hours

To those who come to Adore Jesus at Christ the King,
We thank you for your gift of prayer and of spending time with our Eucharistic Lord in the Adoration Chapel here at Christ the King.
As of the Grand Opening, the Chapel is now open 24 hours a day. It was noted that some of you had
sought to come during the later hours, and were unable to utilize your card, we apologize for any inconvenience that this caused.
We wish to inform you that this specific issue has now been resolved, and your card ought to work 24/7
(except for times when the Chapel is closed, such as during Mass).
Please notify the Parish Office if you have any other questions or issues.
Thank you for your gift of prayer!
Christ the King Parish Staff

Scammers at it again…

Please note that there has been an email scam sent out on behalf of Bishop Berg requesting the purchase of gift cards. The email looks like it is coming from Stephen Berg but if you look at the email address carefully it is not coming from the diocese. See email source: Stephen Berg < <>
This email address is not associated with the Diocese of Pueblo. If you receive this type of email, please report it as junk. That way it will be blocked from being sent to your email again. Delete this email and avoid opening it.
Note: You will never receive any type of email requests from the diocese that does not include the email address extension
This also includes email or texts you would receive from Fr. Carl or the Parish Staff. Please do not fall for these scams.