Why does Pueblo have a Life Chain in the spring?
On April 25, 1967, here in Colorado,
Governor John Love signed the nation’s first pro-abortion measure into law. One of the prime sponsors of the bill was Democrat Richard Lamm, who would later become governor. In response to the passage of the bill, a group of Colorado citizens founded the first Right to Life Committee in the nation, years before Roe and Doe made abortion legal nationwide. At the same time Birthright, a crisis pregnancy organization, the first in the nation, was established in Denver. The original Birthright was a Canadian organization.
On April 4, 2022 here in Colorado
Governor Jared Polis signed into law the nation’s most reprehensible pro-abortion measure – RHEA, Reproductive Health Equity Act.
So, Pro-Life of Southern Colorado organizes a Life Chain during the month of April to call attention to those two tragic events. Life Chain is designed to help build a resolute arm of Christians who are pro-life in both word and deed, providing God witnesses that He will anoint and use to save lives and change hearts in Pueblo. Life Chain is only a first step into pro-life activism, but it is a major step that tests our hearts and helps prepare us to defend the defenseless among us.
Pueblo Life Chains
There are two locations: Northern Avenue and Moore Avenue
Hwy 50 and Club Manor Drive
LIFE CHAIN is a time for repentance, prayerful self-analysis, and serious commitment to help end abortion in our nation. We stand or sit on the sidewalk holding pro-life signs and pray. Pro-Life of Southern Colorado will have signs available.
Contact person: Linda Brown, Pro-Life of Southern Colorado 303 319-0255 blbrown45@gmail.com